
Components are able to render data but they can't keep any state, also, state may be dynamic and change over time... how to deal with?

Using a session-store is the simplest way to keep a state between requests:

  import { session } from 'jamrock/store';

  const counter = session('counter', 0);

  let count = counter;

The let count assignment is required to get subscribed to the counter store, and to reactively update its value on the actual session as it changes.

If you're importing the stores from another module (we encourage it!) then the let assignment is not longer required.

This session store is a high-level writable, but you can build up any kind of reactive stores as well:

  import { readable } from 'jamrock/store';

  let inc = 0;
  const timer = readable(inc, set => {
    const interval = setInterval(() => {
    }, 1000);

    return () => clearInterval(interval);

<fragment key="timer">
  <em>{#each timer}{this}{/each}</em>

Stores are consumed the same way as any other stream, as long it survives, it can keep sending changes to the browser.

Server API

All streams can be paused and resumed programmatically through hooks, e.g.

  import { readable } from 'jamrock/store';
  import { useStream } from 'jamrock/hooks';

  let inc = 0;
  const timer = readable(inc, set => {
    const interval = setInterval(() => {
    }, 1000);

    return () => clearInterval(interval);

  const $timer = useStream({ timer });

  export default {
    pause() {
    toggle() {
      if ($timer.idle) {
      } else {

<button on:click @trigger="pause">⏸︎</button>
<button on:click @trigger="toggle">⏯︎</button>

  <fragment key="timer">
    <em>{#each timer}{this}{/each}</em>

The useStream hook allow to manage multiple streams at once, specified by key, but it'll work on {#each}...{/each} blocks only.

...actually, refine that api... it should illustrate how useFragment() work as well...

Client API

We're using a modified version of svelte/store to actually provide the primitives for readables, writables and such.

Static methods

  • get(store) — Retrieves the store value.
  • valid(store) — Returns true if the store is supported.
  • session(key[, value]) — Return a writable() for the given session key and value as default.
  • derived(stores, fn[, value]) — Returns a new store from given dependencies.
  • writable(value[, callback]) — Returns a new store that allows updates.
  • readable(value[, callback]) — Returns a new store in read-only mode.

Writable stores can receive value as a function (with access to the actual request!) that will be invoked prior rendering to sync its contents.