
Rendering values on the server cannot take forever, and that was a reason for moving away from this side back in the days...

Today, as we have async/await, generators and iterators, we can do more... a lot more.

Consumable values

Repeated sections of your template are governed by the {#each} mustache, it can iterate arrays, objects, even numbers!

  • If 5 is given, it'll iterate 5 times.
  • If [1, 2] is given, it'll iterate the array.
  • If { a: 1, b: 2 } is given, it'll iterate the object entries.
  • If a string is given, it'll iterate its length of times, char by char, etc.
  • If a promise is given, it'll be resolved, then consumed as described...

If the given value is a generator or an iterator, a stream is allocated: a channel where we put the values from the iteration.

Once a WebSockets connection is established, the client will keep receiving updates as the stream continue yielding values...

The usage of <fragment> may change in future releases, keep an eye out!

But first, you MUST provide <fragment>...</fragment> elements on your page to serve as placeholders for updates:

<fragment key="data">
  {#each data as item}
    {@debug item}

This way, we're telling the compiler where to look and what to render each time we have new data.

The fragment's key must match the name of the consumed variable, otherwise the target would never match.

Fragments supports some props for configuration:

  • interval — sets the awaiting time between iterations, in milliseconds.
  • timeout — waiting period before breaking the iteration on render, default is 24 ms.
  • mode — determines how the fragment is patched on the DOM: prepend, append or replace.

Fixed updates

Once a fragment is declared, we can send updates from our code to the browser with the reply() function, i.e.

  import { reply } from 'jamrock/conn';

  let value;
  setTimeout(() => {
    reply('target', { value: 42 });
  }, 1000);

  <fragment key="target">
    {#if value}
      {@debug value}

In the previous example, we're just re-rendering the requested fragment with new data, this allow to update other values as well.

Fragments may be wrapped within other HTML tags to prevent leaking nodes.

To trigger a function, and, in response update a fragment through WebSockets, we MUST use export default methods to declare the callbacks:

  import { reply } from 'jamrock/conn';

  let test;
  export default {
    check(payload) {
      test = payload.value || Math.random();
      reply('target', { test });

  <fragment key="target">
    {#if test}
      {@debug test}
      Waiting your input...

<form @trigger="check">
  <input type="text" name="value" />
  <button type="submit">OK</button>

Those callbacks are invoked with user-input through forms, which allow to collect more data if needed.

Elements can use events to trigger updates, i.e. <button on:click @trigger="check">OK</button> should work the same way as the form.

Live updates

We can also send updates over a running stream:

  import { onRelease } from 'jamrock/hooks';
  import { tick, reply } from 'jamrock/conn';

  let max = 10;
  async function* local() {
    yield max;
    while (true) {
      if (max <= 0) break;
      yield Math.random();
      await tick(200);

  const t = setInterval(() => {
    if (max-- <= 0) {
    reply({ local: max });
  }, 1000);

  onRelease(() => clearInterval(t));

<ol style:paddingLeft="2em" reversed>
  <fragment key="local" mode="prepend">
    {#each local as item}
      <li>{@debug item}</li>

Here we're waiting while we yield a new value every 200ms, this will rerender the fragment only and not the whole page.

If the client disconnects all the running iterators shall stop, however, make sure you didn't left running timers too!

Server API

Fragments are accessible for usage through WebSockets, because that's the only way

Client API

On the client-side, we also provide you with a Fragment class that grants access to manipulate them:

  <fragment key="local" />

<script scoped>
  import { Fragment } from 'jamrock';

  Fragment.with('local', async frag => {
    await frag.update([]);

    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      frag.append([['li', null, Math.random()]]);

Normally, you don't need to access fragments unless you're integrating advanced stuff, like third-party libraries and such.

This API is unstable and not fully tested yet, it may not work as intended or it may change its behaviour over time.


  • root — Returns the parentNode of the fragment.
  • length — The count of childNodes for this fragment.
  • offset — The actual index from their parentNode.childNodes tree.
  • mounted — Returns true if the fragment is already mounted on the DOM.


  • prepend(children) — Insert a list of nodes at the start of the fragment.
  • append(children) — Insert a list of nodes at the end of the fragment.
  • update(children) — It calls patch(), returns a promise. It waits until the updates are applied.
  • patch(children) — Low-level patching method, it does not wait for updates completion!
  • touch(props, children) — Low-level patching method with props support, it calls patch() afterwards.
  • sync(children, direction) — Low-level patching method with directional support, it's used by prepend, append and update methods.

Static methods

  • from(props[, children[, callback]]) — Low-level fragment mounting, rendering and instatiation: callback can be a render function that returns actual DOM elements.
  • with(key, handler) — Find and returns the mounted fragment by its key name. The handler can return a function to clear given side-effects.
  • has(key) — Returns true if the fragment is already registered.
  • for(key) — Returns the fragment instanced once the DOM is ready, it's a promise!
  • stop() — Execute the returned callbacks from the with() calls as cleanup.