
TODO: rework...

Jamrock lets you extract and combine existing markup and behavior through components.

As their front-end counterparts, they can encapsulate markup and styles, but JavaScript will not run on the browser.

So, you'll be asking... how we handle any user-interaction?

Life-cycle & events:

  • A component's life starts with a request to our web-server, once executed it gets disposed and does not get executed until the next request.
  • User input can be sent by using <form> elements, plain <a> links can provide input too, as well with XHR/fetch calls, etc.
  • Live user-events and input can be sent to the backend using WebSockets or XHR/fetch, whatever is available.

Page components

Without sprinkling on them JavaScript or {data} they're just templates with super-powers.

However, data can be rendered on the template in several ways:

  • {value} — render the escaped value as content, given as prop it'll be passed without modifications.
  • {@html value} — render the unescaped value as content, given as prop @html will set the innerHTML instead.
  • {@debug value} — output the inspected value on the browser and server, it also renders the result of JSON.stringify(value).
  • {#if expr1}...[{:else[ if expr2]}...]{/if} — single block that renders the resulting value of their if-then-else logic.
  • {#each value[ as expr[, offset]]}...[{:else}...]{/each} — repeated block that renders the result of each iteration logic.

Used data and props are allocated through import, export, let, const and function declarations, e.g.

  import Test from '../path/to/component';

  export let prop = 'default value';

  const truth = 42;

  function caps(value) {
    return value.toUpperCase();

  $: test = caps(prop);

Expressions after $: are always executed whenever any used value within changes.

Now, the variables Test, prop, truth, caps and test can be used in the template:

<Test result={truth}>

The template for the Test component could be written like this:

  export let result = -1;

{result}: <slot>NADA</slot>

Only variables that were export'ed can be received as props, using const to declare read-only props is encouraged.

Lets see... guessing a bit, the result should be 42: (DEFAULT VALUE) right?

If you execute the Test component as a page, it should render -1: NADA as you probably guessed.

Playing around with components, attributes and slots, you can build rich web-pages with ease.

Iterating values

Not all variables can be rendered on the template as is, but you can iterate almost any value, e.g.

{#each [1, 2, 3] as nth}

Any value that can be iterated will be iterated, so strings and numbers are also valid values, for numbers it's more like "run this loop N times" while for strings will iterate each character, etc.

Expression support is limited for both sides of the as operator, only ... as item, index and ... as [...], index are granted to work.

Promises are always resolved prior rendering, and also, they are resolved when passed down as props.

The main <script> tag also supports top-level await, so you can do asynchronous stuff during its execution, just consider that these calls will take their time...

Iterators, and generators, are instantiated on render-time, but they're not awaited until their completion.

They're allocated as streams within the rendering pipeline, then are consumed to render a few items, and finally, they'll continue running on the background.

Resulting fragments are sent through WebSockets and applied on the target DOM.